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The name of our red tent.

Interpretation of the the name Harem Echad.


The Harem which means forbidden is a word we use because the closed private nature of this group and the discussions sets it apart from the common everyday things. We take time away from the duties and responsibilities to connect with our women-hood. We prepare a special sanctuary in which women focus on that which is integral to their well-being. At a deeper level, much of the conversation shared by awakened women are forbidden by mainstream and especially a patriarchal society. Our conversations are not of tamed, pretty ladies sharing recipes that make men feel safe and happy. I love sharing recipes too as you know.. In the Harem we lift the banning and tabooing of our nature and our thoughts. Our truth is celebrated and adorned with blessing and support. As such, it is a sanctuary of secrets where secret means that which is precious, held dear and needs protection and nurturing.

Echad in Hebrew means one. It is much deeper than unity between people. It speaks of integration which cannot be broken up or separated. The word is used in Deut 6:4. As women, we work toward our healing and in so doing, we move beyond egos that separate and compete in a destructive way. We work towards a community where we can truly support and honour each other. At a deeper level, the word echad symbolises the connection we, who have incarnated in female bodies, have. This is not a mystical notion. Reading through the posts you will see how much one woman can identify with another. Unintentionally, we strum each others' pain and sing each others' song. There is a deep connectedness we have with one another and with the generations of women before. Understanding this depth is up to each one to explore and see for herself. In many ancient and matriarchal societies women moon together and it is said to be a result of their connection.



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